6 musical encounters
Songs, interviews, videos, behind the scenes etc....
InTubaWild is a road trip, an infinite music album, a web series, an experiment ...
Interviews, songs, pictures, videos
Srebrenica, Bosnia - Muamer
Sibiu, Romania - Emanuel
Vác, Hungary - Rozi
Vienna, Austria - Sabina & Andi
Kopenhagen, Denmark - Fama
Växjö, Sweden - Martin
Music can connect people, cultures, social groups, political points of view ... These differences are often enough excuse to avoid dialogue. The problems caused by lack of communication are becoming more visible from day to day.
From autumn 2019, I met musicians from all genres in Europe - from punk to classical music - from all levels - from street musicians to solo violinists - and produce music videos with them in their favorite places in spontaneous sessions.
In our music and interviews, we report on trying out, on failure, on flow, when we create beats, sound spaces, and songs out of the silence of the location.
So we share these real encounters with you online.
Together, we show what potential arises in exchange, in togetherness, in space free of prejudice, if we see our differences as opportunities and create new ones together.