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open sounds with an open mind

How do you actually become creative? I think an important basis is that you are never sure. But you can only bear this uncertainty if you accept imperfection as the basic state of creation and existence.

I succeed best (certainly never completely) when I listen to honest and wise people. And that is why today I share with you some inspirations on this level:

68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice by Kevin Kelly (68 unaufgeforderte Ratschläge)

It’s my birthday. I’m 68. I feel like pulling up a rocking chair and dispensing advice to the young ‘uns. Here are 68 pithy bits of unsolicited advice which I offer as my birthday present to all of you.

If you like it short I highly recommend James Clear' Newsletter 3 ideas, 2 quotes, 1 question

"Creative ideas happen when you stop thinking about what others will think."

Aaand, last but not least: Many Internettreasures I have found here [DE]: High Five! von Matze Hielscher

for example:

Joe Sebia ist Leiter der kreativen Entwicklung bei Condé Nast. Er hat ein extrem gutes Händchen für unglaublich originelle Videokonzepte. Für sein Team hat er eine Liste mit136Videos zusammengestellt. Videos, die "meine Kreativität formten, mich amüsierten, mich beeindruckten oder bei mir blieben." Dieses Doc ist eine Goldmine.

Have a great time and stay free :-)

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